Different Options Available For Web Hosting
Whether you are looking to get your business on the internet or setting up a personal site with which the family can share photographs and information, you will need to look into a web hosting account. When you finally make the decision to put your business or personal life online, you will find many different options when for web hosting and the service you choose will largely depend on the type of internet home you plan to build.
Some companies offer free web hosting, that allows you a certain amount of bandwidth every month and for many personal sites, this will be sufficient, but businesses may not have enough access to their sites with the typically limited amount of bandwidth offered at no charge. Commonly, many companies offer free services at around fifty megabytes of bandwidth per month. If families are going to post a lot of photographs on their site, these free web hosting offers may not be enough to handle the load.
Understand that when you look into web hosting, the amount of bandwidth is not only for the content of the site, it also includes the information sent to and from the site be you and any visitors to the site. An average picture can eat up as much as two megabytes by itself, leaving the available space on your web hosting account likely insufficient for your purposes.
Available Scripts Another Important Consideration
When choosing web hosting, the type of information included on your site must also be considered, as some services do not offer the use of all scripts available for internet use. For example, if you plan to upload music onto your site, such as a family sing along, if the service is unable to offer streaming audio on the web hosting service, it may not be the best service you could choose.
Prices for web hosting can also vary tremendously, typically based on the bandwidth available, the amount of storage space you will have on the web hosting company’s servers, the number of email accounts included and many other factors. One thing that should be on top of the list is the company’s reputation for being available.
Some of the free or least expensive web hosting services have excellent reputations for being up and running. In most instances, a 99 percent up time is considered the standard, meaning your web site will likely show an error or be unavailable only one percent of the time.